Micromeritics Product Showcase
Freeman Technology became part of the Micromeritics Instrument Corporation in June 2018.
Micromeritics is the world’s leading supplier of high-performance systems to characterize particles, powders and porous materials with a focus on physical properties, chemical activity, and flow properties. Our industry-leading technology portfolio includes: pycnometry, adsorption, dynamic chemisorption, intrusion porosimetry, powder rheology, activity testing of catalysts, and particle size.
The company has R&D and manufacturing sites in the USA, UK, and Spain, and direct sales and service operations throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Micromeritics systems are the instruments-of-choice in more than 10,000 laboratories of the world’s most innovative companies, prestigious government, and academic institutions. Our world-class scientists and responsive support teams enable customer success by applying Micromeritics technology to the most demanding applications.
Please follow the links below for more information on the available product range.

The Fastest, Easiest, Most Accurate Measurement Of True Density

TriStar II
Corrosive Gas Compatible Surface Area and Porosity Instrument
Click here for more information on the Micromeritics material characterisation product portfolio