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Freeman Technology to give paper at PM2008

PM2008 – World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials (June 8-12, 2008 Washington D.C.)

Reg Freeman, managing director of Freeman Technology (Welland UK) will be presenting a paper at PM2008 during the World Congress Technical Sessions.

The paper is entitled the ‘Characterisation of Powder Bulk Dynamic Flow & Shear Properties in Relation to Die Filling’ and reports work carried out using the company’s FT4 powder rheometer.

Knowledge of powder behaviour during preparation, transfer and filling in the die filling process is very important in powder metallurgy, since each will influence the quality of the final component. Process and powder characteristics need to be compatible for achieving high productivity and quality during manufacture.

The FT4 allows reliable and reproducible characterization of powder behaviour and correlations developed using shear, dynamic and bulk property measurements can extend basic understanding and make for better powder formulation and improved process design.