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Evaluating the powder testing toolkit

Evaluating the powder testing toolkit

In a series of articles on LinkedIn, Tim Freeman, Managing Director of Freeman Technology, draws on over 20 years of experience in the industry and has looked at variables that can impact powder behaviour.
We saw in his latest post ‘Reproducible Powder Testing’ he began discussing the extent to which traditional test methods answer modern industrial requirements for powder characterisation. In the below articles that follow he evaluates some traditional testing techniques.

Tapped Density

Tapped Density

Tapped density methods are based on measurement of the increase in bulk density induced by tapping a powder sample. While the technique may have some practical advantages, in this article Tim considers the limitations of this method when it comes to investigating powder flow properties.

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Shear Cells

Shear Testing

Shear testing has its roots in the pioneering work carried out by Jenike in the 1960s to tackle the issue of discharge from storage vessels. Over the decades since shear testing was conceived the need for process-relevant powder characterisation has encouraged the application of shear testing well beyond this original intent. In this post Tim examines why this has brought into focus some of the technique’s limitations. 

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