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Discussing the latest techniques for DPI formulation

Visitors to Drug Delivery to the Lungs 20 (DDL20), 9 to 11 December 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland, will have the opportunity to meet with experts from Freeman Technology to discuss how the FT4 universal powder tester is providing new insight into dry powder inhaler (DPI) performance. Collaborative posters from a number of institutions will showcase the latest work.

Recent research from the University of Bath has drawn attention to the unique ability of the FT4 to sensitively characterise the response of DPI formulations to air. A direct correlation between fine particle fraction and aeration energy confirms the importance of this aspect of behaviour for drug delivery. The research group involved are using these data to study the impact of lactose fines on dispersion behaviour, and to understand in greater detail the mechanisms that control drug delivery.

More than simply an instrument manufacturer and supplier, Freeman Technology provides a technical lead in the complex area of powder characterisation. Extensive in–house research, together with collaborative work continues to build the knowledge base, particularly with respect to the value of dynamic measurements for a broad range of industrial applications.

The FT4 is a universal powder tester used throughout the pharmaceutical industry to gain insight into all aspects of powder processing. It combines dynamic, shear and bulk property measurement, to deliver accurate, multi-faceted characterisation.